Soil Testing Kits
To properly fertilize and amend soil, you first need to know what condition it’s in. A LESCO soil test kit lets you evaluate a client’s soil to determine the best program for plant, grass and tree health. They provide a solid estimate of essential information for much less time and money than comprehensive lab testing, allowing you to get to work making the landscape gorgeous.
Several soil tester options are available to provide you the right information. A basic pH test kit lets you know whether to add lime to increase soil pH or sulfur for decreasing pH. Using a soil testing kit to measure the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels will help you choose the right fertilizer NPK ratio. For more advanced soil management, use soil test kits to assess micronutrients or check the soil texture or levals or organic matter. The experts at SiteOne Landscape Supply are available during business hours to help — give us a call or stop into a local branch.
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